RamblemuseSM Annotated Bibliography for Massage Practitioners


Business, Marketing & Networking

Allen, David : 2002. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity., reprint ed., Penguin (Non-Classics), ISBN: 0142000280, 267 pages, $15.00 USD.
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In today's world, yesterday's methods just don't work. Veteran coach and management consultant David Allen shares his methods for stress-free performance. Allen's premise is simple: our productivity is directly proportional to our ability to relax. Only when our minds are clear and our thoughts are organized can we achieve effective results and unleash our creative potential. From core principles to proven tricks, "Getting Things Done" can transform the way you work and live, showing you how to pick up the pace without wearing yourself down. Learn how to: apply the "do it, delegate it, defer it, drop it" rule to get your in-box to empty; reassess goals and stay focused in changing situations; plan and unstick projects; overcome feelings of confusion, anxiety, and being overwhelmed; feel fine about what you're not doing.
Ashley, Martin: 2005. Massage: A Career at Your Fingertips (Massage)., 5th updated ed., Enterprise Publishing, ISBN: 0964466252, 300 pages, $25.95 USD.
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How to open and market a massage practice, retain clients, and handle the financial and legal aspects of the business are just a few of the topics covered in this comprehensive guide to a career in massage therapy. Addressing the practical day-to-day as well as the formal components of running a business, this guide provides candid, grounded advice from 50 massage practitioners. Beginning with an overview of the profession, this handbook offers a thorough orientation to the business with specific advice on ethics, professional associations, governmental regulations, licensing laws and zoning requirements, insurance coverage, and sources for equipment and training. How to professionally handle clients who seek sexual massage or are survivors of abuse, the challenges unique to male massage professionals, and the politics of massage are also addressed.
Baber, Anne, Lynne Waymon: 2001. Make Your Contacts Count: Networking Know How for Cash, Clients, and Career Success., 1st ed., American Management Association, ISBN: 0814470939, 294 pages, $14.95 USD.
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Setting up a network of contacts is the single most important thing people can do to protect and advance their careers. All businesspeople, no matter what they do for a living, can use networking know-how to reach their goals, and this book is the best place to start. Filled with quizzes, checklists, and sample conversations, the book opens with a Strategic Networking Activities self-assessment test and lets readers chart their increasing skills as they master the strategies needed to effectively build business relationships.
Baber, Anne, Lynne Waymon: 2007. Make Your Contacts Count: Networking Know-how for Business and Career Success., 2nd ed., AMACOM, ISBN: 0814474020, 272 pages, $14.95 USD.
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Make Your Contacts Count is a practical, step-by-step guide for creating, cultivating, and capitalizing on networking relationships and opportunities. Packed with valuable tools, the book offers a field-tested "Hello to Goodbye" system that takes readers from entering a room, to making conversations flow, to following up. Updated from its first edition, the book now includes expanded advice on building social capital at work and in job hunting, as well as new case studies, examples, checklists, and questionnaires.
Bandler, Richard, John LA Valle: 1996. Persuasion Engineering., 1st ed., META Publications, ISBN: 0916990362, 208 pages, $27.95 USD.
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This book covers everything from the beginning of the sales process through the close. Using the everyday human communication factors that are present in every situation imaginable, you can learn to take these factors to engineer your sales approach on-the-fly, as each situation deserves.
Bly, Robert W.: 2003. The Online Copywriter's Handbook : Everything You Need to Know to Write Electronic Copy That Sells., 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0658020994, 336 pages, $19.95 USD.
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The Web has developed its own set of rules and attitudes for writing hard-hitting marketing copy. Robert Bly's The Online Copywriter's Handbook is the first practical and authoritative guide to what exactly those rules are and how they differ from writing for print audiences. From novices just taking their first copywriting steps to veterans looking to add impact and results to their online efforts, it covers everything from general fundamentals of writing effective copy to specific Web copywriting tips and traps.
Brody, Marjorie, Shawn Kent: 1992. Power Presentations: How to Connect with Your Audience and Sell Your Ideas., 1st ed., Wiley, ISBN: 047155961X, 224 pages, $29.95 USD.
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This book takes the mystery out of putting together an effective presentation by addressing each of the steps involved. Not only gives readers confidence but offers enhanced opportunities for promotion and career advancement. Elucidates how to organize presentations to achieve your goal; how to use factual, logical and captivating supporting materials as well as visuals and audio-visual equipment; how to answer questions effectively and includes numerous techniques to use with a variety of audiences.
Cialdini, Robert B.: 2000. Influence: Science and Practice (4th Edition)., 4th ed., Allyn & Bacon, ISBN: 0321011473, 262 pages, $22.99 USD.
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The initial version of Influence was designed for the popular reader, and as such, an attempt was made to write it in an engaging style. In the subsequent versions, that style is retained, but in addition, Cialdini presents the research evidence for his statements, recommendations, and conclusions. Although they are dramatized and corroborated through such devices as interviews, quotes, and systematic personal observations, the conclusions of Influence are based on controlled, psychological research. This fact allows the instructor, the student, and the popular reader to feel confident that the book is not "pop" psychology but represents work that is scientifically grounded. The subsequent versions also provide new and updated material, chapter summaries, and study questions to enhance its classroom utility. A potentially attractive feature of the present version of Influence lies in its ability to serve as an enjoyable, practical, yet scientifically documented text for both students and the general reader.
Gelb, Michael J.: 1988. Present Yourself!., 1st ed., Jalmar Press, ISBN: 0915190516, 128 pages, $27.00 USD.
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Great ideas from the best-selling author of How to Think Like Leonardo DeVinci! Learn the techniques and relevant skills of dynamic, successful presenters. Whether you're going to speak to 5 or 500, this complete resource provides useful, cutting-edge information you can't be without. Learn what you can do to be a presenter who is a dynamic part of the message, how to transform fear, know and "read" your audience, set the stage, make them remember, and much more. Used successfully by educators, business executives, professionals, trainers —a standard work in its field.
Jolles, Robert L.: 2005. How to Run Seminars & Workshops: Presentation Skills for Consultants, Trainers and Teachers., 3rd ed., Wiley, ISBN: 0471715875, 320 pages, $19.95 USD.
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This book is the "Trainer's Guide to Training". Most new trainers and presenters know all they need to know about their chosen subject. Unfortunately, few of them actually know how to present what they know. For more than a decade, Robert Jolles's How to Run Seminars and Workshops has taught tens of thousands of people how to sell, teach, stand up, and deliver an effective training session on almost any subject in almost any setting. The third edition updates this classic guide for anyone who has to get up and move an audience. Just as he did in the book's previous editions, Jolles-former head of Xerox's world-renowned "train the trainer" program-shares proven, effective techniques for winning over an audience, holding their interest, conveying important information, and moving that audience to take action! For seasoned pros, this is an invaluable tool for becoming a world-class seminar and workshop leader. For novices, it's a step-by-step self-teaching guide that provides the confidence and the techniques speakers need to survive and thrive in front of an audience.
Madson, Patricia Ryan: 2005. Improv Wisdom: Don't Prepare, Just Show Up., 1st ed., Harmony/Bell Tower, ISBN: 1400081882, 160 pages, $16.00 USD.
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In an irresistible invitation to lighten up, look around, and live an unscripted life, a master of the art of improvisation explains how to adopt the attitudes and techniques used by generations of musicians and actors. Let’s face it: Life is something we all make up as we go along. No matter how carefully we formulate a “script,” it is bound to change when we interact with people with scripts of their own. “Improv Wisdom” shows how to apply the maxims of improvisational theater to real-life challenges—whether it’s dealing with a demanding boss, a tired child, or one of life’s never-ending surprises. Patricia Madson distills thirty years of experience into thirteen simple strategies, including “Say Yes,” “Start Anywhere,” “Face the Facts,” and “Make Mistakes, Please,” helping readers to loosen up, think on their feet, and take on everything life has to offer with skill, chutzpah, and a sense of humor.
Maxwell, John C.: 2006. Winning with People., 1st ed., Nelson (Thomas) Publishers,U.S., ISBN: 078527636X, pages, $16.96 USD.
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Many people focus on other talents and abilities first — such as polishing their communication or leadership shills or taking courses to expand their base of knowledge — but they forget that good relationships are the foundation for achievement. They are more than just the icing on the cake in life; they are the cake — the very substance we need to live successful and fulfilling lives.
Moran, Gwen, Sue Johnson: 2005. Complete Idiot's Guide to Business Plans (The Complete Idiot's Guide)., 1st ed., Alpha, ISBN: 1592574009, 336 pages, $19.95 USD.
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Build on that bright idea with a solid business plan. A business plan is invaluable for both new businesses and existing small companies. It helps entrepreneurs analyze their business and the market to stay ahead of the competition, and obtain start-up capital and loans. This book has everything business owners need to create a clear and comprehensive business plan, including guidance on the important decisions that must be made before drafting a plan, a tutorial on business-writing basics, sample business plans, and more.
Roane, Susan: 2002. How to Work a Room., 1st ed., Robson Books Ltd, ISBN: 1861054513, 256 pages, $15.08 USD.
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Susan RoAne provides the tools and techniques for savvy socializing in all situations so that you are comfortable in any room. She identifies the roadblocks that prevent us from meeting new people, developing new contacts, and establishing connections that build personal and professional relationships.
Roseberry, Monica: 2001. Marketing Massage: How to Build Your Dream Practice., 1st ed., Thomson Delmar Learning, ISBN: 1562537466, 264 pages, $39.95 USD.
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Marketing Massage is designed for massage and bodywork students enrolled in a professional certification program. It is also an excellent resource for students and practitioners interested in building their practices, as well as for massage and bodywork associations for training and member support.
Sohnen-Moe, Cherie: 1997. Business Mastery : A Guide for Creating a Fulfilling, Thriving Business and Keeping It Successful., 3rd ed., Sohnen-Moe Associates, Inc., ISBN: 0962126543, 430 pages, $24.95 USD.
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Business skills are essential for your long-term success. For the past decade, Business Mastery has provided a comprehensive resource for allied health care professionals as well as business owners in all realms. This edition provides you with tools to set up and manage your business, market your skills, work smarter, develop alliances, enhance communications, and continually increase profits. With more than 400 pages of material,Business Mastery teaches you how to stay balanced, increase your client base, get organized, keep books, manage your time, set and achieve goals, and most importantlyùkeep doing what you are passionate about while making an excellent income!
Whitmyer, Claude, Salli Rasberry: 1994. Running a One-Person Business., 2nd revised ed., Ten Speed Press, ISBN: 0898155983, 280 pages, $14.00 USD.
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"Running A One-Person Business" provides a comprehensive approach to the needs of the one-person business. With interviews of many successful entrepreneurs who have struck out on their own and stuck with it, this book is brimming with practical information needed by those currently in business for themselves or those who are planning to be.

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